Everyone wants their car to last and function well, whether you periodically upgrade or buy a new vehicle each year, or maintain your beloved car for years at a time.

The good news is that car maintenance can be easy to stay on top of and have handled at the appropriate times. There are five simple hacks to keep your vehicle in great shape. If you’re looking for a new Ford for sale or planning to hold onto your current car for a bit longer, try these maintenance tips to get the most out of your vehicle.

1. Simplify the Keyring

Keeping all your keys on one ring can be helpful to avoid losing them, but too many keys or accessories on your keychain can actually be detrimental to your ignition switch in the long run. The added weight on the ignition key, plus the friction from how the keychain swings around when driving, can wear down your ignition switch. So lighten up that keyring, or consider keeping your ignition key on a separate ring to lighten the load while driving.

2. Get Regular Oil Chances

Probably the most widely given piece of advice, and for good reason: Routine oil changes are one of the best ways to keep your car in tip-top shape all year long. Whether you do it yourself or bring your car into a shop to have the oil changed, this basic maintenance step is not one you can skip.

Old oil or low oil levels can damage your engine, resulting in unsafe driving conditions or expensive repairs — or both. So make sure you get the oil changed in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines for your vehicle.

3. Keep the Tires Inflated

With gas prices always on the rise, you want to get the most miles per gallon from your tank. Did you know that keeping your car’s tires properly inflated can directly influence your fuel efficiency and mileage?

Low tire pressure increases drag, forcing the engine to work harder to keep the vehicle up to speed. Low air pressure can also put your tires at risk of going flat or blowing out. So keep a tire gauge in your car and check your air pressure on a regular basis.

4. Check the Filters

Getting your car’s various filters checked helps keep your engine running well and efficiently. An air filter can easily get clogged from dust and contaminants, leading to less efficiency in your heat and AC, and also preventing the engine from being cooled properly. Most mechanics who change your oil can also advise you on when you should replace your filters.

5. Monitor the Brakes

You want to stay safe on the roads, no matter the weather. Ensuring your brakes are working properly, and that you have good brake pads, is one of the most important maintenance tips you can follow.

If you hear squeaking or grinding sounds, take your car to your dealership’s service center to have the brakes looked at. You also want to ensure your brake fluid is at the correct levels so you can drive safely all the time.

Enjoy Your Car for Many Miles

Following these tips, you can keep your car in great shape! By completing these regular maintenance items, you can ensure you enjoy many memories in your vehicle!

Read more for valuable information.

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